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Top Best Mechanical Engineering Colleges In Bengaluru

We are the top best mechanical engineering colleges in bangalore, The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 2010. It started out with 60 seats and today offers 60 seats to aspirants from across the country. The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Cambridge Institute of Technology provides state-of-the-art infrastructure; well established laboratories and computing centre; spacious and technologically equipped classrooms and seminar halls; qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty, 100 mbps internet facility, practical-oriented teaching-learning, etc. to its students.

The Department has highly-qualified, We are the top best mechanical engineering colleges in Bengaluru, experienced and dedicated faculty who provide high quality teaching-learning pedagogy and industry oriented training programmes to our students. We offer a perfect blend of experienced and young, dedicated teaching faculty augmented with well-trained supporting staff. The primary objective of the department is to make students understand and implement various concepts of mechanical engineering reinforced with sufficient practical training to enhance their versatility. We are the top best mechanical engineering colleges in Bangalore, Hands-on experience in various mechanical concepts is provided to our students in our labs, practical workshops, etc. Students are also provided periodic industry visits and innovative projects so that they become conceptually and technologically prepared for the industry.

Furthermore, our students are provided soft skills training through seminars and workshops to enhance their analytical and logical reasoning with the objective of making them industry-ready professionals.


To impart quality education in Mechanical Engineering by developing core competencies and global professionalism.


M1: Empower students with domain knowledge and practical skills by competent faculty and infrastructure.

M2: Adopt student-centric learning techniques to enhance analytical and problem-solving skills.

M3: Develop communication, personal, interpersonal, leadership skills and societal values to be global professionals.


Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Dr. Suneelkumar N Kulkarni

Professor and HoD

Top Best Mechanical Engineering Colleges in Bangalore with Placements - Course Overview

We are the top best mechanical engineering colleges in Bangalore, To put it simply, mechanical engineering deals with anything that moves, including the human body, a very complex machine. Mechanical engineers learn about materials, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, control, instrumentation, design, and manufacturing to understand mechanical systems.  We are the top best mechanical engineering colleges in Bangalore, the subjects serve to familiarize students with basic concepts of thermodynamics, solid mechanics, metallurgy, kinematics, control systems and even coding.

The curriculum for students of Mechanical Engineering has been designed with the specific target of creating industry-ready professionals at the Cambridge Institute of Technology. Mechanical students pursue the study of materials, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, control, instrumentation, design, and manufacturing to understand mechanical systems. It develops the ability to design and create mechanical
systems, including those used in the automotive, aeronautics, robotics, and manufacturing industries.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, students are provided real time challenges in the laboratories. To add to their experience, we have the R&D centre which undertakes funded projects to the tune of about Rs 4 crore in interdisciplinary domains such as Unmanned Air Vehicles, Ultra Sonic impact treatment, Micro Air Vehicles, Small Satellites, Evaluation of full-field temperature fields of high speed compressors and turbines through thermal paint tests, thin film sensors. The centre also takes up projects of social relevance such as lake
monitoring, use of technology to ease traffic congestion, waste management etc.

Students are encouraged to carry out in house final projects at our R & D centre during their
final year and take up micro & mini projects during their second and third years, respectively.

Course Objectives

Mechanical Engineering is the study of materials, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, control, instrumentation, design, and manufacturing to understand mechanical systems.

It develops the ability to design and create mechanical systems, including those used in the automotive, aeronautics, robotics, and manufacturing industries.

The subjects serve to familiarize students with basic concepts of thermodynamics, solid mechanics, metallurgy, kinematics, control systems and even coding.

Knowledge about software used in technical work like computer-aided design and mathematical modelling. The branch applies principles of engineering, physics and material science for the design, analysis, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems. 

Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs)

PEO1: Apply the acquired knowledge in core and allied subjects of Mechanical Engineering to assimilate, design, analyze and create innovative products and services incorporating safety, sustainability and cost effectiveness.

PEO2: Be self-directed and research oriented keeping abreast of the advancements of Mechanical Engineering concepts and technology to resolve application level issues.

PEO3: Exhibit competency, leadership, entrepreneurship, inter-personal skills, thrust to lifelong learning consistently with utmost concern for socio-technological, cultural and global environment.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO 1: An ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, materials and manufacturing technology to identify, formulate and solve industry related problems.

PSO 2: An ability to apply the principles of design, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, mechatronics and CAD / CAM tools to conceptualize and realize the physical systems and processes.

PSO 3: An ability to develop professional competency in manufacturing, power plants and production industry in the context of operations and maintenance.


  • Located in the Third Floor, Sir. M.V. Block
  • No. of Classroom = 3 (2 in Third Floor and 1 in Fourth floor)
  • No. of Labs = 12 (4 in Third Floor, 2 in First floor and remaining labs in Ground Floor)
  • R&D Lab with the state-of-art facility (includes servers, computers and LCD projects)
  • Every classrooms and labs are equipped with LCD Projectors
  • Computing facility – 100 computers (HP Intel core i5, with 8GB RAM)
  • No. of Printers are 4
  • Department operated with NETFOX firewall (both hardware and software)
  • High end Dell Server
  • Internet facility – 100Mbps dedicated leased line
  • Wi-Fi enabled department
  • Department Library with 500 books
  • Department is under CCTV surveillance (including classrooms, labs, staffroom and corridors)
  • MSDN campus agreement(includes SQL server, Windows 10 OS, Office 365, Cloud virtualization, Visual Studio)
  • All the staffroom are cubicles with necessary requirements.
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT

Mechanical Engineering Placements & Opportunities

The Mechanical Engineering course at Cambridge Institute of Technology has been designed with the objectives of developing candidates that are able to apply the knowledge gained to identify, formulate and solve industry problems. To achieve this end, they are provided both theoretical and practice knowledge on the principles of design, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, mechatronics, and CAD / CAM tools to conceptualize and realize the physical systems and processes.

Our students are also provided training in the latest software tools, particularly for computational design and simulation. Such tools allow engineers and designers to take a project from the conceptual phase directly to a finished product, eliminating the need for prototypes. Along those lines, students who can take courses in 3-D printing will also improve their job prospects.

Mechanical engineers are projected to experience much faster than growth in engineering services as companies continue to contract work from these firms. Mechanical engineers will also remain involved in various manufacturing industries, particularly transportation equipment. They will be needed to design the next generations of vehicles and vehicle systems, such as hybrid-electric cars and clean diesel automobiles. The fields of alternative energies, remanufacturing, and nanotechnology may offer new opportunities for occupational growth

Job opportunities are available both in private and public sectors like power plants, railways, civil aviation, electricity board and utility companies, electrical design and consultancy firms, IT companies and all types of manufacturing industries.

Research: IISc, IITs, NITs, Raman Research Institute

Entrepreneurship: Electrical Contractors, Energy Auditors, Renewable Energy Setups, Automation, Switchgear, etc.

Higher studies in reputed universities in India & abroad – IIT, NIT, RMIT – Australia, etc.)


Department of ME, Cambridge Institute of Technology Highest Package Trends
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Professional Scope for Mechanical Engineers

A wide variety of careers and specialties from medicine to automotive, and from energy to aerospace, hold immense possibilities for mechanical engineers. Emerging high technology ?elds of nano-materials and biomechanics are further examples of areas where mechanical engineering plays a vital role. Furthermore, established areas of mechanical engineering such as design, manufacturing, automation and control are essential elements to devising large-scale complex systems that drive the global economy. Here’s a list of job roles that mechanical engineers can explore:

  • Aerospace industry – researches, designs, manufactures, operates and maintains aircraft
  • Automotive industry – designs, manufactures, distributes and markets motor vehicles
  • Chemical indstry – covers oil companies, chemicals manufacturers and the businesses that support them (e.g. to build new plants or develop new process technologies)
  • Construction industry – designs and builds infrastructure, buildings and buildings services (e.g. heating and ventilation)
  • Defence industry – provides equipment, support and services for the armed forces and national security
  • Electronics industry – designs and manufactures components and complete equipment for sectors from automotive to medicine and the military
  • Fast moving consumer goods industry – manufactures products such as household cleaning items, personal hygiene goods and convenience foods
  • Marine industry – develops and helps operate vessels
  • Materials and metals industry – activities include developing new materials and manufacturing components or end products
  • Pharmaceuticals industry – develops and manufactures drugs
  • Rail industry – designs, constructs, manages and maintains rail system components from trains and tracks to electrical power systems and train control systems
  • Utilities industry – helps supply power, water, waste management and telecoms

Being a mechanical engineer, there are huge opportunities in national and global arenas as technology has been improving rapidly. Students have various paths in national level in the government sector which opts mechanical engineers for various types of work in HAL, BEL, BEML, ISRO, GTRE, DRDO etc. Private sector players such as VOLVO, Triveni Turbines, Mercedes Benz, etc also offer tremendous opportunities to mechanical engineers.

Our Top Recruiters

Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT

The Experience

Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT

The approach taken to impart knowledge to our students is a well-balanced combination of curricular, extra-curricular, theoretical and practical lessons. Mechanical engineers play a vital role in the industry and hence it is crucial that our students are provided with every opportunity to learn about and from the industry. We also ensure that we use cutting edge technology to provide them the knowledge they need. Besides using ICT-enabled classrooms, we offer bridge course to students.

Our students also get the opportunity to meet industry experts during their guest lectures. We also arrange for conceptual teaching through working models, organise project exhibitions to encourage students and arrange for GATE coaching classes to help them prepare their lessons better.

Outside the college premises, we organise regular industrial visits to industrial facilities that offer a great opportunity for our students for learning concepts hands-on.

What to expect CITech?
  • State-of-the-art infrastructure facility
  • Sophisticated laboratory with modern equipment for hands on experience.
  • Dedicated Research and development  centre for  knowledge enhancement
  • Encouragement  and Guidance to do Mini and unique Projects
  • Well-equipped, acoustically dedicated seminar hall
  • Computing and Wi-Fi facility
  • ICT enable class rooms with LCD projector
  • Guest Lectures from Industry Experts
  • Conceptual Teaching Through Working Models
  • Students Symposium
  • Remedial Classes for Students with Backlog
  • Monthly Industrial visit for each semester
  • Paper presentations on mini projects and main projects
  • CNC workshop – Initial & advance
  • IC engine workshop for each semester
  • Guest Lectures on thrust areas every week
  • CAD & CAE training with the help of Industrial experts
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU’s)






1. SAE-South of Automotive Engineering Technical training & product development


2. Trividtrans Private Limited Technical training & product development


3. Trinity NDT Engineers Technical training & Placement assistance


4. My Bhumi Sustainable Development (Research, Develop & Commission)


5. NEDC ( The National Entrepreneurship Development Cell) Skill & Entrepreneurship training/Seminar/Workshops.


6. Impact Engineering Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. Technical training & product development


7. Allinnov Research and Development Private Limited Patenting & product development


8. NAFEMS Simulation & 3D printing


9. Think & Ink Education and Research Foundation Research & project work


Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT

Academic Support & Mentoring

Our team of faculty at the MECH. department focus on the following objectives laying strong strategies to support and encourage students in building their skills and expertise. 

  • Project Based Learning.
  • Students Chapters of Professional Organizations.
  • Animation Videos, PowerPoint Presentations and case studies.
  • Activity based learning. 
  • Invited Talks and Expert Lectures. 
  • Flipped classroom. 

Industry Partnerships

The Department of MECH at Cambridge Institute of Technology not only partners with several global giants for student projects, internships and training programmes, but also has firm long term MOUs with the following MNCs and Globan Brands 

  • My Bhumi – Sustainable Development (Research, Develop & Commission) 
  • NEDC (The National Entrepreneurship Development Cell) – Skill & Entrepreneurship training/Seminar/Workshops. 
  • Impact Engineering Solutions (Pvt) Ltd. – Technical training & product development 
  • Allinnov Research and Development Private Limited – Patenting & product development 
  • NAFEMS – Simulation & 3D printing 
  • Think & Ink Education and Research Foundation – Research & project work 
  • JV Global – HR training 
  • Infosys – Campus connect 
  • Kings Learning – HR training 


To further enhance the knowledge and skills of our students, we regularly organize workshops, guest lectures, and Faculty Development Programs (FDPs). These events provide a platform for industry experts, researchers, and academicians to share their insights and expertise with our students and faculty members. By staying updated with the latest advancements in the field, our students can stay ahead in their learning journey and be prepared for the ever-evolving industry demands.

Among the various workshops and guest lecturers conducted in our department, some notable ones include:

Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT

” Mechanical Engineering students of Cambridge Institute of Technology participating in a hands-on Python workshop to enhance their programming skills”.

“Exploring the world of precision manufacturing: Mechanical Engineering students of Cambridge Institute of Technology delve into the intricacies of CNC programming and 3D printing during an engaging and informative workshop”.

For a comprehensive list of workshops conducted by the ME department, please visit our [Workshops/Seminars/FDP Page](Click Here)


Besides all the programmes and events held to provide industry exposure to the students, the Department of Mechanical Engineering has its exclusive Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Research and Development. This Centre is actively involved in various sponsored projects that are concerned with interdisciplinary research on Unmanned Air Vehicles, Additive manufacturing , Micro Air Vehicles, Small Satellites, Evaluation of full-field temperature fields of high speed compressors and turbines through thermal paint tests, Thin film sensors etc. As much as Rs 2 crore are sanctioned for research activities to this Centre.

Students can be a part of this Centre which is funded by organisations including the Aeronautical Research and Development Board (ARDB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Defense Research Development Organization (DRDO), Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Vision Group of Science and Technology (VGST), The Institutions of Engineers (India) etc., DST- INDO UK – Royal Academy of Engineering, UK.

Awards Conferred to the Centre

  • Award for Campus Research and Development initiatives from The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata for Campus research and Development initiatives
  • Young Scientist award from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
  • Award for Higher Education Partnership India Programme under Newton Bhabha Fund (an initiative of the Indian and UK governments to enhance science, innovation and research cooperation between the two countries.

Products Developed at R&D

Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT

Cambridge Tinkering Lab (Maker’s Space Lab)

The tinkering lab refers to a working space earmarked for technical learning and knowhow where students can learn, conceptualize, experiment and develop different scientific ideas, product development, undertaking repairing and reengineering practices using available common tools and instruments in all the disciplines of engineering. At present, the lab is equipped with more than 80 tools, 3D printers, robots; scientific, mechanical, electrical and electronics equipment and consumables. It is a platform for all students to involve in hands-on activity in mechanical/electrical/electronic elements and fabrication processes. The primary idea is that students ‘operate’ on their own, under staff supervision i.e. an opportunity to learn technology driven in the most practical way of doing things themselves.

Intuit - Project Exhibition

The ME department organizes an annual event called Intuit – Project Exhibition, which serves as a platform for students to showcase their projects and technical expertise. The exhibition provides an opportunity for students to display their innovative projects in various domains of Mechanical Engineering. The Intuit – Project Exhibition promotes a culture of innovation, collaboration, and creativity within the department. It fosters a spirit of healthy competition among the students, motivating them to come up with unique and impactful projects.

“We are delighted to congratulate our exceptional ME student for winning the Best Project award at INTUIT-23, showcasing their remarkable talent and innovation”.

To explore the list of outstanding projects, please visit our [INTUIT Best Project List](Click Here)

Specialization Courses

Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT

We have curated specialization courses for students of mechanical engineering, who demonstrate a fitness for innovative skills and who would like to extend their expertise. At the end of their 4-year degree the Industry Academia Gap makes Indian engineers less employable. You can take specialization courses for making up your gap productive. We have three career-oriented courses for mechanical engineering students, The vast majority of students do not know their academic focus and finally spend a lot of time, money and energy in searching for a misfocused area that might not be most appropriate. You don’t have to deal with this problem when you are in CIT. Come to understand where you are brilliant and how you are doing not well right from your first semester. CIT has launched project-based technical courses for Semester 1 to Semester 8 students. These specialization courses would allow students to pursue a career with new opportunities.

So what are the advantages of taking the course?

  • You will be working on 25 times more tasks than a typical bachelor degree student.
  • The projects are planned by experts in industry to proliferate the engineers ability.
  • Right from day 1 of college, you can create a technological portfolio..
  • Designed to help you produce high performance during your studies to set an notable quality in your CV.
  • Concentrate on developing your expertise in your areas of interest.
  • Elective training prepares for a number of specialized professions.
  • Data-driven approach to identify places where you do better and areas where you don’t go so well to keep track of your performance.
  • Identify your key attributes to use your degree effectively.

Who is this course for?

  • For students in mechanical engineering who are searching for promising career courses
  • For automotive professionals who aim to speed up knowledge and increase future growth

What will you get?

  • The top 5% of the class holds a certificate of merit
  • All students will be granted completion certificates
  • Construction of a technical portfolio
  • Connect your technical projects automatically
  • A better career profile that can be shared with LinkedIn

Dr. G. Indumathi

Principal, Cambridge Institute of Technology

  • Ph.D. completed during 2012, Dr. M.G.R University Chennai
  • M.Tech Industrial Electronics from SJCE Mysore under VTU in the year 2003
  • B.E. Electronics and Communication , SJCE Mysore , Mysore University in the year 1987

“Technical education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the Mind to think”

                                                                                                                      — Albert Einstein

Cambridge Institute of Technology focuses on imparting quality education to all. We provide an opportunity to all our students to develop the qualities of global professionals. An academic platform through standardized teaching learning processes assist the students towards achieving academic excellence. At Cambridge  Institute of Technology, the students are trained on emerging technologies through Industry collaborative programmes, Real time projects and Internship opportunities through Industry sponsored labs, participate in research activities in advanced research labs. A start up ecosystem is established at the Institute for students and faculty with mentoring, training and infrastructure support to inculcate the start up culture among the young minds. Students have ample opportunities to participate in sports and extra curricular activities. Technical competencies through various clubs at the Departments. Our goal is to develop our students as technocrats who can contribute  to the society and build a sustainable eco system.