The kind of life you will confront after graduation is all dependent on what you do during four years in college. The type of job you get and it’s something you are enjoying or not, is decided by how effectively you pick up the game before Getting an employment is daunting, but not impossible. Having a dream career, whether on-campus or off-campus, is still possible, but it will
require you to hustle for four years and make a fortune.
Students neglect this but, the truth is that while you are pursuing your degree, you need to do more than just studying. It all comes down to hands-on experience, certified courses, connecting with new people, traveling and learning.
Traveling to places, visiting technological hubs and touring companies related to your passion and your field will help you learn in real-time and makes a lot of difference. While you travel, also make sure to join and be part of events. Take international technological events like – Dubai expo, Codegeek, Design thinking expo, Auto expo, to name a few, are some of the famous events where the whole world connects. This will benefit you in two ways – one deepens your current knowledge, two broadens your scope by introducing you to the latest technologies.
One of the purposes of traveling and joining such events is to get connected with new people. One of the many benefits of meeting new people is that you will be surrounded by passionate
and like-minded individuals, which will allow you to expand your horizons and have someone with whom to seek assistance or collaborate when needed.
Apart from these obviously what matters is you attend workshops and do courses aiming your specialization. Not only will you learn thoroughly, but sometimes the licenses, certifications, or
awards that you receive having pursued any workshop can slightly increase your chances of grabbing that job amidst others.
Internships and projects are likely the other two major ways to increase your fortune. Doing internships while studying works as a double-edged sword by helping you get ready for the real
world. You understand the industry, environment you might be in, systems, the process of how things work, and what you should be doing.
Doing projects is something that everyone stresses on. Do them all without any discrimination, whether small or big, for fun or for work. If you aren’t doing any real-time exercise to sharpen your skills, the knowledge you gain from travelling, meeting new people, and studying would be useless. Since skills matter the most in these technological industries, projects will give you a deep insight into where you stand and where you should aim.
All these will transform into a shiny fortune for you after you graduate. Since you have it all – skills, knowledge, experience, a good track record, and portfolio, people, and connections, you will grab the spotlight.
Probably it is too much for four years, but if you are ready to work, it’s all more than enough time to build a fortune of skills before graduation.
Imtiyaz Ahmed | (First Year – CSE)