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Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have been identified as the two most backward groups of Indian society, which have been declared as scheduled castes and scheduled tribes by the Constitution of India under the provisions of Article 341 and 342 of the Constitution of India. The Constitution of the country, promulgated in 1950, recognizes the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes as the two most backward groups needing special protection. A number of provisions have been made in the Constitution with a view to abolish all forms of discrimination and put these groups at par with others.

Specific provisions for the reservation in services, in favor of the members of the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, have been made in the Constitution of India are as follows:

  • Article 16(4) – Equality of opportunity in matters of public.
  • As per article 335, the claims of the members of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes shall be taken into consideration, consistently with the maintenance of efficiency of administration.
  • X Plan profile of Higher Education in India under Para 10.B2 states as under: “To ensure the effective implementation of the reservation policy in admission, recruitment, etc. SC/ST/OBC Cells are established in the Universities.”

The MHRD, University Grants Commission and AICTE have given priority to the downtrodden students and staff and have given directions to all the universities to establish SC/ST/OBC Cell. In this regard the SC/ST/OBC Cell at our college was established in the year 2017.

After the establishment of the cell it has specifically concentrated on the welfare of the SC/ST/OBC students and staffs.

The main aim of the cell is to monitor the various schemes issued to the SC/ST/OBC students like scholarships, and to help them to integrate with the mainstream.


  • To document the student admissions under SC/ST category
  • To circulate various schemes and other GOI orders to the various aspects of education and other welfare schemes.
  • To bring the students belonging to SC/ST/OBC community in par with the main stream student body.
  • To create a platform where students can point out their problems – regarding academic and non-academic matters.
  • To function as a grievance redressal cell for the grievances of SC/ST/OBC students and employees.
  • To develop the self-confidence of SC/ST/OBC students.
  • To create awareness, instill values and develop the personality and leadership quality in the students and staff members.
  • To organize seminars, workshops relating to SC/ST/OBC development.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To fulfil the guidelines / order issued by AICTE / UGC / University / Govt. in respect of implementing the policy.
  • Committee often meets the students and faculties belonging to SC/ST/OBC communities to understand their problems to take necessary action and/or render them necessary advice/help to resolve the matter.
  • Creating awareness among the SC/ST/OBC students regarding the various government and non-government scholarship schemes.
  • Counselling the students to help them overcome inferiority complex related to interaction with fellow students and personal grooming, etc.
  • To encourage greater participation and to develop responsible and value-oriented leadership in students.
  • To help the community members develop self-confidence.
  • To organize seminars, workshops or SC/ST/OBC community students.

Committee Representatives

  • To ensure that their fellow community members are not facing any uneasy situation.
  • To bring into the notice of the committee about any serious issue occurred/faced by the student/staff.
  • To convey any requirement/necessities of their fellow members to the committee.



  • To help the community students whoever is in need.
  • To bring into the notice of the committee if there are any serious issues in the college premises.
  • To help the students to overcome inferiority complex related to interaction with fellow students and personal grooming, etc.
  • To make their stay in the campus comfortable.


  • To counsel the community students whoever is in need.
  • To help the students to overcome inferiority complex related to interaction with fellow students and personal grooming, etc.
  • To make their stay in the campus comfortable.

Hostel wardens:

  • To identify the SC/ST/OBC students residing the Hostel.
  • To help the students to overcome inferiority complex related to interaction with fellow students and personal grooming, etc.
  • To make their stay in the Hostel comfortable.
  • To bring into the notice of the committee if there are any serious issues in the hostel premises.

Office Staff: in-charge of Scholarship Section

  • To identify the SC/ST students residing the campus.
  • To record the different guidelines / order issued by AICTE / UGC / University / Govt. in respect of implementing the policy.
  • To ensure the circulation of the different scholarship available
  • To document the letters of scholarships applied and the sanctioned list.


  • To organize seminars, workshops or SC/ST community students.
Odd Semester:
Month Activities
August Reconstitution of the cell (if needed) and first meeting to plan for the semester activities
September-october One activity shall be organised in the middle of the semester briefing about the scholarship details and the other facilities available for the community members
November The committee shall meet again at the end of the semester to review the activities held and for any improvement/change in the coming semester.
Even Semester:
February The committee meets in the beginning of the semester (within 2 weeks of college re-open) to plan for the semester activities.
May The committee shall meet against the end of the semester to review the activities done and for any improvement/change for the next academic year.
Committee shall meet if any problem/requirement arises to understand their problems and to take necessary action and/or render them necessary advice/help to resolve the matter.

Composition of SC/ST/OBC Cell Committee

  • A well structured committee is framed every year for monitor the well functioning of the committee to fulfill the above objectives and responsibilities. The following is the structure of the committee to be formed.
    The Specific Roles and Responsibilities of Convener:
    • To frame a committee in accordance with the standard structure.
    • To conduct regular meetings of the committee, prepare the minutes of meeting and the documentation of the same.
    • To refer to the objectives and responsibility of the SC/ST/OBC committee and function accordingly.
    • To conduct activities/training for the community students.
    Sl. no Designation
    1. Chairperson Principal
    2. Convener HOD –Basic Science
    3. Members Student Counsellor
    Hostel Wardens
    Scholarship section incharge
    4. Community representative Faculty
    5. Community representatives Students (BE & MBA)

Procedure to File a Complaint

The SC/ST/OBC students and employees can approach the convenor of the cell for redressal of any of their grievances regarding academic, administrative or social problems. The convener often meets the concerned students and staff to discuss their problems and takes necessary action and/or renders them necessary advice/help to resolve the matter.

A written complaint may be submitted to the committee. Any student or employee of the college can approach the cell in person.

Enter your details and complaint in the below form:-
Fill out the online form.
Different scholarship schemes and their respective website links are given below:
Sl. No Scholarship/Fellowship Name Website Link
1. Post Graduate Scholarships for Professional Courses for SC/ST Candidates
2. 4 Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST Candidate
3. Post Doctoral Fellowship to SC/ST Candidates
4. Social Justice & empowerment Dept. Govt. of Karnataka
5. National Overseas Scholarships for SC and ST candidates
6. Commonwealth Scholarships

Dr. G. Indumathi

Principal, Cambridge Institute of Technology

  • Ph.D. completed during 2012, Dr. M.G.R University Chennai
  • M.Tech Industrial Electronics from SJCE Mysore under VTU in the year 2003
  • B.E. Electronics and Communication , SJCE Mysore , Mysore University in the year 1987

“Technical education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the Mind to think”

                                                                                                                      — Albert Einstein

Cambridge Institute of Technology focuses on imparting quality education to all. We provide an opportunity to all our students to develop the qualities of global professionals. An academic platform through standardized teaching learning processes assist the students towards achieving academic excellence. At Cambridge  Institute of Technology, the students are trained on emerging technologies through Industry collaborative programmes, Real time projects and Internship opportunities through Industry sponsored labs, participate in research activities in advanced research labs. A start up ecosystem is established at the Institute for students and faculty with mentoring, training and infrastructure support to inculcate the start up culture among the young minds. Students have ample opportunities to participate in sports and extra curricular activities. Technical competencies through various clubs at the Departments. Our goal is to develop our students as technocrats who can contribute  to the society and build a sustainable eco system.