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Engineers are driving global growth in times of technological dominance. At Cambridge Technology Institute, we nurture budding engineers and foster their imagination into innovation.

Under the guidance of our R & D Dean – Dr. D.Antony Louis Piriyakumar, our prestigious research & development department is flourishing every year. He is an IITM alumnus with 25+ years of experience in industrial and academic research and a Ph.D. in robotic vision from the Stuttgart University of Germany.

The R&D infrastructure of all nine engineering sectors provides faculty and students with the ideal experience to attain an infinite vision of technology development. Our mission is to promote the value of scientific research and development in the mind of students. According to WEF and IEEE findings, they identify and group into 16 optimum technologies to drive all efforts in a focused and dedicated manner. At Cambridge Institute of Technology, we encourage the volition of innovation and the creation of the faculty members and students. We enlarge the avail of research and development for young minds. Enthusiastic participation from the faculties and students will propel us to unimaginable heights

Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT

R & D Dean's Message

” I welcome aspiring youths to join our institution to realize their ambition, objectives and achieve higher goals through higher education.”

Dr. D.Antony Louis Piriyakumar

R & D Dean, Drone Technology – Principal Scientist, Cambridge Institutions of Technology

Dr. D.Antony Louis Piriyakumar, R&D Dean and Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department at Cambridge Institute of Technology. He is an IITM alumnus and received a Ph.D. in robotic vision, from the Stuttgart University of Germany.

Principal Scientists


Cyber Physical Systems- Principal Scientist

Dr. Cyril Prasanna Raj P is the Director of Cambrian Consultancy Center and Industrial Research and also Professor in the ECE Department at Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore. He received his Ph.D. from Coventry University, UK, Postgraduate from KREC (NITK), Surathkal in Industrial Electronics, and Undergraduate from SJCE Mysore in Electronics & Communication Engineering.



Dr. K. GOPALAKRISHNAN is the Secretary General of Indian Technology Congress Association (ITCA) and University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC)-India and also Founder and Convener, instrumental for foundation of 75 Students’ Satellites Consortium: Mission 2022 as its Project Director! To Launch 75 Satellites by 2022 to Celebrate the India’s Freedom 75 Years! He and his team has launched UNITYsat-THREE Satellites with PSLV C51 Amazonia Mission on 28 Feb 2021 from Sriharikota.

Dr. U. Chandrasekhar


Dr. U. Chandrasekhar is Scientist B to Technical Director, GTRE-DRDO, Ministry of Defence Bangalore, Director, ESCI – the Institution of Engineers (India), Hyderabad, Pro Vice Chancellor, Veltech University, (Top 100 NIRF University), Chennai, Program Director, Wipro Infrastructure Engineering, Bangalore & Visiting Professor-IIT Bombay, CTO, GM Scientific Innovation and Research Centre, Bangalore & Adjunct Faculty Member, CPDM-IISc, Bangalore


Drone Technology – Principal Scientist

Dr. D.Antony Louis Piriyakumar, R&D Dean and Head of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Department at Cambridge Institute of Technology. He is an IITM alumnus and received a Ph.D. in robotic vision, from the Stuttgart University of Germany.


 Smart Manufacturing and Industrial IOT – Principal Scientist

Dr. S. Shankar completed his undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering at Madras University in 1985 and postgraduate in Production Engineering at Bharathiar University in 1990. In 1996, he got his MBA in marketing management from IGNOU. He was awarded Ph.D. in composite Materials in 2015 at JNTUH.


New Materials & Components -Principal Scientist

Dr. Sudha Joseph received her masters and PhD in Materials Engineering from the
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. She collaboratively worked with various universities, University of Oxford and Manchester, Max-Planck-Institutfür Eisenforschung GmbH in Germany and industries Rolls-Royce (UK), Timet (UK), General Motors (USA), Aeronautical Development Agency (India).

Dr. G. Indumathi

Principal, Cambridge Institute of Technology

  • Ph.D. completed during 2012, Dr. M.G.R University Chennai
  • M.Tech Industrial Electronics from SJCE Mysore under VTU in the year 2003
  • B.E. Electronics and Communication , SJCE Mysore , Mysore University in the year 1987

“Technical education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the Mind to think”

                                                                                                                      — Albert Einstein

Cambridge Institute of Technology focuses on imparting quality education to all. We provide an opportunity to all our students to develop the qualities of global professionals. An academic platform through standardized teaching learning processes assist the students towards achieving academic excellence. At Cambridge  Institute of Technology, the students are trained on emerging technologies through Industry collaborative programmes, Real time projects and Internship opportunities through Industry sponsored labs, participate in research activities in advanced research labs. A start up ecosystem is established at the Institute for students and faculty with mentoring, training and infrastructure support to inculcate the start up culture among the young minds. Students have ample opportunities to participate in sports and extra curricular activities. Technical competencies through various clubs at the Departments. Our goal is to develop our students as technocrats who can contribute  to the society and build a sustainable eco system.