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The National Assessment and Accreditation Council advocated the establishment of Internal Quality assurance Cell (IQAC) by all the institutions. Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore was established in the year 2007. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the Institution was established in Academic year 2017-18, as the quality sustenance activity.

IQAC has developed the perspective plan to ensure the quality in tune with the vision and mission of the institute. The IQAC meetings are held regularly. The IQAC is entrusted with question papers scrutiny as one of key focusarens. Faculty opinions and suggestion is given due weightage through their participation in various committees like grievance redressal, disciplinary, anti-ragging, examination, placement, institute-infrastructure to ensure the value addition and holistic development of the students. Class representatives’ meetings are held twice in a semester to brief the students on important decisions of the council and consider their suggestions to address the grievances. HoDs meeting and faculty meetings are held regularly to discuss academic issues by taking everyone into confidence in all the important academic decisions.

The IQAC plans, guides and monitors Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the Institution. The main task of the IQAC is to channelize the efforts and measures of the Institution towards maintaining academic excellence and robust internal governance.

The primary aim of IQAC is:

• To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
• To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.

IQAC cell at Cambridge Institute of Technology was established in 2016 and actively involved in the Quality Enhancement process of the Institution.

IQAC may be constituted in every institution under chairmanship of the Head of the institution with heads of important academic and administrative units and few teachers and a few distinguished educationists and representative of local management and stakeholders.

The composition of the IQAC may be as follows:
1. Chairperson: Head of the Institution.
2. A few senior administrative officers.
3. Three to eight teachers.
4. One member from the Management.
5. One/Two nominees from local society, Students and Alumni.
6. One/Two nominees from Employers/Industrialists/stakeholders.
7. One of the senior teachers as the coordinator/Director of the IQAC.


To establish and effectively implement a robust quality system encompassing teaching, research, consultancy, continued education and also focus on the core and support functions to ensure accountability to stake holders through self-evaluation and continuous improvement.

In accordance with the NAAC guidelines, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in 2009 to initiate, monitor, evaluate and report on relevant measures to upgrade the quality of teaching, learning, evaluation and research initiatives in the campus. The Centre for Academic Excellence was created to conduct faculty development programmes. The internal quality assurance cell, the centre for academic excellence took care of continually upgrading the texture of quality in the campus, in keeping with the vision and mission of the management crafted on the basis of inputs from stakeholders.

IQAC is meant for planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the HEIs (Higher Education Institutions). IQAC may channelize and systematize the efforts and measures of an institution towards academic excellence.


The primary aim of IQAC is
1   To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
2   To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
3   To design, develop and implement appropriate Quality Processes & Procedures for the academic and administrative activities of the Institution in consultation with all the concerned members.
4   To identify and train a group of internal quality monitoring members to monitor the effective implementation of the quality system procedures.


Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are
1   Development and use of quality benchmarks various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
2   Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive for quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process.
3   Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters.
4   Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes to fill the gap developed during non-attainment of course. Documentation of the various programmes / activities leading to quality improvement.
5   To obtain feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
6   Enhance Industry Institute partnerships and have internships.
7   Soft skills will be arranged and motivational talks will be conducted and the same will be verified.


The benefits of IQAC is
1   Ensure the intense level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.
2   Ensure internalization of the quality culture.
3   Ensure enhancement and integration among the various activities of the Institution/ University and institutionalize good practices.
4   Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
5   Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in the Institution/ University.
6   Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.

The process of scrutiny for these Question Papers should be carried out as follows:
1. Scrutiny Level 1 – Should happen at department level. The scrutiny team comprises of HOD and senior professors of the department (semester wise at least 4 members must be present for scrutiny).
2. Scrutiny Level 2 – Will happen in a centralized pattern. The members of scrutiny team comprises of Principal and all heads of the department who should present themselves for carrying out all such scrutiny at designated venue and time, as per the schedule mentioned below.
1. Scrutiny Level 1 should be completed at least one week prior to actual commencement of Internal Assessment Test.
2. Scrutiny Level 2 should be completed at least 3 days before actual commencement of Internal Assessment Test.
3. Number of questions repeated in both the sets should not exceed 25% (Every effort be made to avoid repetition of questions).
4. Schedule preparation for department level scrutiny is the responsibility of concerned department HODs.

Committees - IQAC:

1 Ensuring timely, efficient, and progressive performance of academic, administrative, and financial tasks.
2 Quality of academic and research programmes.
3 Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.
4 The primary aim of IQAC is To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and          institutionalization of best practices.

Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT




IQAC Academic Committee



Academic Monitoring Committee

Dr Shashikumar D R


Performance Assessment & Analysis Committee(PAAC)

Dr Shashikumar D R


Monitoring/Counseling Committee

Dr Shashikumar D R


Time Table

Prof Hema



Prof Kanthraju C


Academic Audit Committee

HODs, Dept. NBA Coordinators, Dept, NAAC Coordinators, Prof. Vinayaka S P –NAAC Convenor


Examination Cell

Dr Basavaraj C


Placement Cell


Ms Usha rani



IQAC Administration Committee



Disciplinary Committee

Dr Shivanand(ECE)

Prof Janardhan Singh(CSE)

Prof Priyadarshini(CSE)

Prof Bharani B R(ISE)

Dr Ramesh T(BS)

Prof Aravind(BS)

Prof Raghunath Reddy(ECE)

Prof Mohan Das(EEE)

Prof Vinay Kumar(CV)

Prof Basavaraj(MBA)

Dr Srinivas(ME)

Prof Sindhu(MCA)


Sports, Recreation Cell

MrParthesha (PED)


Website Maintenance and Up gradation Cell.

Prof Bhavana


Budget & Purchase Committee

Dr Roopa


Institute Infrastructure Development Cell (IIDC) & Campus Maintenance cell/ Medical center/  Gardening & Plant Management Cell

Dr Basavaraj(ECE)

Prof Srinivasalu(ECE)

Prof Sandeep(CSE)

Prof Nagaraj(EEE)

Prof Kanthraj(Library)

Mr Rahul








Hostel Committee

Hostel Warden (Boys & Girls)

Boys Hostel

Girls Hostel



Prof Krishna Kumar

Prof Sandeep(CSE)

Prof Diwakar(MCA)

Prof Pushpanathan(CSE)

Prof Sudhakar (BS)

Prof ShyamSundar(ECE)

Prof Sunil Kumar(MCA)

Dr Muralidhar Reddy(MBA)

Prof Srinivasalu(ECE)

Dr Pushpalatha(BS)

Prof Jayanthi(CSE)

Prof Jenitha(ECE)

Prof Archana(EEE)

Prof Bhavana(CSE)

Prof Chandrika(CV)

Prof Shilpa V(CSE)

Dr Shobha(ECE)

Prof Kavya (ECE)


Grievance Redressal Cell/ Women Welfare Cell

Prof Shakila(ECE)


Transport Committee

Prof Mohan Das


Cultural Cell

Prof Priyadarshini M


Waste Disposal Management Cell

Prof Santosh (MBA)

Mr Ramu(Security)


Anti-Ragging Cell

Dr Ramesh T


Public Relation

Prof Vimala Devi


Alumni Interaction Cell

Prof Pankaja K



Dr Shankar(ME)

Dr Suneelkumar N Kulkarni(HOD ME)

Dr Muralidhar Reddy(MBA)


Audit Committee

Dr Nagaraj(EEE)

Prof Harshavardhan(ECE)


Old Equipment Disposal Cell

Prof Bharath

Mr Doreswamy

All the Instructors and foremen of all the departments


Institutional Social Responsibility / Community Service Cell

Dr Basanna(MBA)


Affiliation Committee

Prof Krishna Kumar P R


Campus Security Cell

Mr Subiah





Industry Institute Interaction Cell

Prof Shreyas(Placement)





Admission  Cell

Prof Karthik(ME)

Prof Ragaswamiah(ME)

Prof Arun Kumar(ME)


NSS & AICTE Activity Cell

Dr. Ravishankar(CHE), Prof Srinivasalu(ECE)


Backward Community Cell

Prof Padmavathy(CHE), Prof Yashodha(PHY)

Dr. G. Indumathi

Principal, Cambridge Institute of Technology

  • Ph.D. completed during 2012, Dr. M.G.R University Chennai
  • M.Tech Industrial Electronics from SJCE Mysore under VTU in the year 2003
  • B.E. Electronics and Communication , SJCE Mysore , Mysore University in the year 1987

“Technical education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the Mind to think”

                                                                                                                      — Albert Einstein

Cambridge Institute of Technology focuses on imparting quality education to all. We provide an opportunity to all our students to develop the qualities of global professionals. An academic platform through standardized teaching learning processes assist the students towards achieving academic excellence. At Cambridge  Institute of Technology, the students are trained on emerging technologies through Industry collaborative programmes, Real time projects and Internship opportunities through Industry sponsored labs, participate in research activities in advanced research labs. A start up ecosystem is established at the Institute for students and faculty with mentoring, training and infrastructure support to inculcate the start up culture among the young minds. Students have ample opportunities to participate in sports and extra curricular activities. Technical competencies through various clubs at the Departments. Our goal is to develop our students as technocrats who can contribute  to the society and build a sustainable eco system.