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A platform for young minds to exhibit their innovative ideas and solutions for real life
problems, for a better and sustainable future

Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT


Cambridge Institute of Technology has Initiated the CHOSS (Cambrian House Of Student Startup) to support striving entrepreneurs Ideate, Developing and Incubate profitable start-ups. Cambrian House Of Student Startup (CHOSS) is set up to promote innovation and entrepreneurship by converting and translating technology ideas and innovation in various disciplines of science and engineering into products, processes and services for commercial exploitation and the benefit of society. To accomplish its goal, CHOSS an entity of Cambrian Consultancy Centre and Industrial Research (CCCIR) runs and manages incubation and student startup process at Cambridge Institute of Technology (CIT) Bangalore to facilitate incubation of new enterprises with innovative technologies by admitting them in BI and providing them physical, technical and networking supports and services


Cambridge Institute of Technology has planned to host an innovation challenge event “SEEDBRAINS” through its innovation arm CHOSS (Cambrian House Of Student Startup) on the 12th July 2024. The main purpose of the event is to recognize and award innovations that are in alignment with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Several Objectives are expected to be met by the event.

  • Creating a platform to recognize & award the innovation & creativity in product development among young professional undergraduates
  • Promote interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and trans disciplinary innovation
  • Elevate the national event to global innovation challenge involving students from national & international universities, over years
  • Associate with industries, research organization, Government agencies, NGOs and funding agencies for technical, mentoring and sponsorship support


SEEDBRAINS 3.O is considered to be the stepping stone for establishing Interdisciplinary connect and industry collaboration. Participants get an opportunity to get connected to experts of various thrust areas. This enables them to strengthen their research work as well generate a lot more ideas. This way, start-ups and industry experts would spot talents and plan for incubation. SEEDBRAINS 3.O would set a platform to enable knowledge exchange, bridge the gap between youngsters and international industrial world, ease and stimulate research opportunities between countries. SEEDBRAINS has a lot in it for students, to mention a few:

  • Exhibiting young professionals talents and strength to the outside world
  • New experience and exposure toward development of commercialize products and ideas
  • Opportunity to exhibit their talents to industry experts and spot placements
  • Training and support toward ideation to presentation and attractive seed funds for final winners


Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT
Cambridge Institute of Technology | CIT

Dr. G. Indumathi

Principal, Cambridge Institute of Technology

  • Ph.D. completed during 2012, Dr. M.G.R University Chennai
  • M.Tech Industrial Electronics from SJCE Mysore under VTU in the year 2003
  • B.E. Electronics and Communication , SJCE Mysore , Mysore University in the year 1987

“Technical education is not learning of the facts, but the training of the Mind to think”

                                                                                                                      — Albert Einstein

Cambridge Institute of Technology focuses on imparting quality education to all. We provide an opportunity to all our students to develop the qualities of global professionals. An academic platform through standardized teaching learning processes assist the students towards achieving academic excellence. At Cambridge  Institute of Technology, the students are trained on emerging technologies through Industry collaborative programmes, Real time projects and Internship opportunities through Industry sponsored labs, participate in research activities in advanced research labs. A start up ecosystem is established at the Institute for students and faculty with mentoring, training and infrastructure support to inculcate the start up culture among the young minds. Students have ample opportunities to participate in sports and extra curricular activities. Technical competencies through various clubs at the Departments. Our goal is to develop our students as technocrats who can contribute  to the society and build a sustainable eco system.